Further Information:

Contact to the movie makers:


Complete text in English:

Dear People of Spain,

We received your video message. We want you to know that we realize that the “Spanish Rescue Package” will not help the average person.

The “Rescue Package” will only save European banks and other large corporations — forcing many of you to descend into unemployment and poverty. We DO NOT SUPPORT the policy of our government. Rather we wholeheartedly share the sentiments of the people in Spain, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Ireland and elsewhere in Europe who are suffering under austerity programs. We are ashamed that Merkel and the German government promote this policy. As everywhere, our politicians are puppets of capitalism. They DO NOT REPRESENT us. The Troika governs Europe and democracy is dying.

Germany is also suffering cuts in healthcare and social services. There are some who cannot afford a decent education. Part-time jobs, subcontracting, temporary employment and low wages don’t allow people to make ends meet. Many live in poverty despite having work. The German government censored parts of the poverty report showing that the gap between rich and poor is widening in this country. Again the wealthy are getting wealthier. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Resistance to these policies in Germany is not yet as strong as in other parts of Europe. But here too, a growing number of people do not believe that the political parties and the media offer a realistic analysis of the crisis. They fail to mention that our economic system, based on the exploitation of the majority by a minority, will never bring us social peace and justice! Instead of addressing this problem, they are attempting to incite hatred in us toward you and other Europeans.

Politicians and the media are also feeding the fear that immigrants will endanger our social system. We unequivocally reject these nationalist slogans and we will not allow ourselves to be divided against one another, because there is no real conflict amongst the peoples of Europe: it is a battle instead between the people and the ruling minority. We should not be distributing poverty, but sharing the massive existing wealth!

When the socially disadvantaged unite, they discover their enormous power, because SOLIDARITY IS THE TENDERNESS OF THE PEOPLES — which can topple governments and economic systems. Join us in resisting austerity at the heart of the regime that controls the crisis in Europe:

With “Blockupy Frankfurt” on May 31st and June 1st, we again aim to bring massive protests against Troika policies to the streets of this city.

Let’s make capitalism and austerity in Europe a thing of the past!

Join with us in the struggle to create a United Europe for all people!


Der komplette Text auf Deutsch ist hier zu finden:http://wp.me/p2dLv5-s2