PALESTINE 12-01-13 BAB AL-SHAMS.jpg-large

Dernière minute:
Bab El Shams évacué violemment par l’Etat israélien

English below.

Bab al Shams (Sonnentor) ist, wie auch den hiesigen Nachrichtenmeldungen zu entnehmen ist, die erste Neusiedlung auf palästinenischen Bodens durch palästinensiche AktivistInnen.
Sie will im wesentlichen die Abtrennung Nord- und Südpalästinas im Weg sein.
Die AktivistInnen, darunter prominente Mitglieder des Bürgerkomitees von Bil’in, das für seinen gewaltfreien Widerstands durch direkte Aktionen von der Internationalen Liga für Menschenrechte mit der Carl-von-Ossietzky-Medaille 2008 ausgezeichnet wurde, sind wohl inzwischen zum größten Teil von der israelischen Armee evakuiert worden.
Sie werden aber nicht aufgeben und brauchen unsere Solidarität.
Bitte die Aktion – siehe unten – zu verbreiten und so gut es geht zu unterstützen.

Fanny-Michaela Reisin (Präsidentin)

I send it out yestarday before the evacuotion, but i am sure they will go back. So the appeal is also to the Eu unione to defend bab Al Shams.


Italian Peace Association . AssoPacepalestina

APPEAL to defend Bab al Shams

Under the coordination of the Popular committees, over 200 Palestinians have established a new village in occupied E1 area named “Gate of the Sun” (Bab al-Shams in Arabic), east of Jerusalem.

Assopace Palestina calls upon the European Union and the diplomatic community to protect the village from Israeli military aggressions.

Abdallah Abu Rahme, coordinator of the Palestinian popular committees for nonviolent resistance, will be in Italy from 20th until 28th January 2013.

Roma, Saturday, 12 January 2013

Despite the extremely cold weather, activists erected dozens of tents and provided enough equipment to stay there until the village will be build. The Israeli military authorities delivered an eviction order to evacuate the tents; however the Israeli Supreme Court issued a warrant of six days. The activists involved released following statement:

“We, the sons and daughters of Palestine from all throughout the land, announce the establishment of Bab Al-Shams Village (Gate of the Sun). We the people, without permits from the occupation, without permission from anyone, sit here today because this is our land and it is our right to inhabit it.

“A few months ago the Israeli government announced its intention to build about 4000 settlement housing units in the area Israel refers to as E1. […] We will not remain silent as settlement expansion and confiscation of our land continues”.

“We proclaim our faith in direct action and popular resistance. We declare that the village will stand steadfast until the owners of this land will get their right to build on their land.”

The village’s name is taken from the novel ‘Bab al-Shams’ by Lebanese writer Elias Khoury, which depicts the history of Palestine.

“Bab al-Shams is the gate to our freedom and steadfastness” continues the statement read out during the establishment of the Palestinian village. “Bab al-Shams is our gate to Jerusalem. Bab al-Shams is the gate to our return”, stressing that Israel has for decades imposed injustice, abuses and expropriations on Palestinian land, while the International community remained silent.

“The time has come now to change the rules of the game, for us to establish facts on the ground – our own land”.

The “residents of the village” invite Palestinians of all social and political groups to participate in the events and activities which will take place in the next days at the “Gate of the Sun”, i.e. cultural evenings, film projections and debates.

The statement was read out by Abdallah Abu Rahme, coordinator of the Popular committees for non-violent resistance from Bil’in. He will be with us in Italy from 20th until 28th January 2013 to tell us about the experience of the committees and to explain why the Palestinian people “refuse to die in silence”. Abdallah Abu Rahme’s will be travelling to following cities: 21/01 Rome – 22/01 Florence – 23/01 Pisa – 24/01 Genoa – 25/01 Como – 26 and 27/01 Val di Susa. For more information: – tel. 3483921465

The Association for Peace, ASSOPACE PALESTINA, has supported the struggle of the Popular committees for non violent resistance against the wall and military occupation since the beginning. It therefore vehemently supports this new action, which reaffirms the right of Palestinians to decide where and what to build on their own land. The establishment of the tent village is not a new Nakba; on the contrary, it marks a new beginning and the refusal of an expropriation and settlement policy carried out by the Israeli government.

Assopace Palestina calls upon the representatives of the European Union to safeguard this village by visiting the “Gate of the Sun” in order to protect it against the aggressions of the Israeli army through civil and human presence of observers from European countries, willing to give peace and human rights a chance in this corner of the Middle East.

We furthermore urge the European Union to provide first basic commodities such as blankets, mattresses, kerosene and food supplies to allow the residents of the tent village to conduct a decent life while the village is being built – which will take several months.

Finally, we urge all members and supporters of Assopace Palestina as well as all associations and organizations working for the right of the Palestinian people to live in freedom to actively get involved in supporting the popular committees, to push for the media to talk about the issue, and to send letters to their diplomatic and governmental representatives in order to prevent Israel from sweeping away this expression of courage, creativity and freedom.

Welcome Bab al-Shams, welcome Gate of the Sun.

Luisa Morgantini

Former Vice president European Parliament

Spokesperson AssoPacaPalestina