Dimanche 27 décembre


Place Kléber à 17h

Rassemblement pour la Palestine à côté de la Flamme pour la paix de Bethléem

Union Juive Française pour la Paix-Alsace

Pour ceux qui ne comprennent ni anglais ni hébreu, un jeune israélien harangue les soldats et les appelle à désobéir aux ordres.

Il s’agit de Shaï Carmeli Pollack, un anarchiste contre le mur. C’est lui qui a fait le film Bi’lin habibi et Refuggees.

Il ne nous dit pas s’il est pour un ou deux États, mais que l’occupation et la répression par laquelle elle se maintient est illégale et contre le droit et l’humanité.

9 Minute Video I just put out on life in Bethlehem area during Christmas. It starts with a Jewish guy who joined the demonstration in Al-Masara asking that the soldiers disobey orders and not join in oppressing the Palestinians. Picture attached is of me in my red Christmas sweater speaking to the same soldiers explaining how they are committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. In addition to the usual struggles against the occupation, we did have celebrations. The video shows the lighting of the Christmas Tree, home parties, and 3 nights of activities for everyone (Muslims, Christians, Internationals, locals, children adults) and with a theme of support for Jerusalem. We called it the Shepherds’ Nights.

Watch video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbTTx6T54mM

Video from AlJazeera: Bethlehem in Christmas: Many tourists but no economic boom


UN Report: Only 13% of the land in Bethlehem available to local use, more than 85% has been swallowed by colonial settlements, space for their future use, their infrastructure, and the apartheid barriers.


UN expert urges pressure on Israel to end blockade of Gaza, and the implementation of the Goldstone Report


Steps to create an Israel-Palestine by Jonathan Kuttub
Los Angeles Times December 20, 2009

Jerusalem – An Inexorable Trajectory by Anat Biletzki | Fri, 11/27/2009 – 10:15am


A powerful speech by a US army veteran/refusenick


Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home