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“Nous accusons” “Gaza Huit” contre la désinformation médiatique

“Nous accusons” “Gaza Huit” contre la désinformation médiatique

Nous accusons: Mainstream media fails to report context and severity of Israeli atrocities against Gaza by Noam Chomsky and the ‘Gaza Eight’ on November 14, 2012 7 CNN screenshot from August, 2011. David Heap just sent us this statement from participants of a recent delegation to Gaza: While countries across Europe and North America commemorated […]

Le juge Goldstone sanctionné par l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem

Le juge Goldstone sanctionné par l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem

Envoyé le : Mardi, 1 Juin 2010 13:53 Sujet : Hebrew University to Remove Judge Goldstone from its Board of Governors 1 June 2010 Alternative Information Center (AIC) Hebrew University of Jerusalem will remove Judge Goldstone from its Board of Governors, for the “technical” reason that he has not attended Board meetings. So reports the […]