J’ai reçu ce mail ce soir de notre ami Daoud de la région de Bethléhem. Pour ceux qui ne le connaissent pas: sa famille vit depuis 1916 sur cette propriété de 47 ha qu’ils ont dédiée à l’éducation, à la Non-violence, il pratiquent l’agriculture biologique, plantent des arbres, reçoivent des jeunes de tous pays ( y compris Israéliens) pour des chantiers et des enfants de la région de Bethlehem en camps d’été.. Depuis des années ils sont harcelés par les colons des différentes implantations qui entourent la propriété ( ils jouxtent Newe Daniel ). Ils se battent depuis plus de vingt ans par tous les moyens légaux à leur disposition.

Voilà une nouvelle menace sur la ” Tent of Nations”

Dear Friends,

Today, the 14th of February at 1.30 PM and as we were working on our land, specifically in the tree of life orchard, we found on three different places , papers with maps signed by the civil administration of Judea and Samaria which is the Israeli military government.

The papers say that we have to stop working on the land specified on the map, because they declared it as a state land. According to them, this land doesn’t belong to us but it is a state land and we are cultivating it. The papers also say that if we want to challenge this order, we can appeal against it within 45 days in front of the military representative office.

It is ridiculous to receive something like that after 21 years of legal battle defending our land and the right to it in front of Israeli courts.

We sent those papers to our attorney in Jerusalem and he is going to appeal against it within the next days.

This is just to inform you about what happened today, please be aware that the situation might get worse, please be prepared in case actions are needed. In the meanwhile, our attorney will appeal against it and we will see what kind of reaction we receive.

We will keep you updated and will inform you about our next steps and how you can help.

Thank you so much for your support and solidarity. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Blessings and Salaam.


Daoud Nassar


Tent of Nations

–People Building Bridges-

P.O.Box 28, Bethlehem


Tel: +972 (0)2 274 30 71

Fax: +972 (0)2 276 74 46

Mobile: +972 (0)522 975 985

E-mail: dnassar@tentofnations.org