Déclaration du Ministère des Affaires étrangères condamnant l’invitation de Gershon Mesica

Mesdames, Messieurs,

La Mission de Palestine en France vous présente ses compliments et vous prie de bien vouloir trouver ci-jointe la déclaration du Ministère des Affaires étrangères condamnant l’invitation de Monsieur Gershon Mesica; chef du conseil des colonies Shomron, comme invité d’honneur par le Parlement européen.

La Mission de Palestine en France vous en souhaite bonne réception.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Condemns Giving Floor to a Settlement Official at the European Parliament
Ramallah, 20 May, 2012

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Palestinian National Authority condemns the invitation of Gershon Mesica, Chairman of the Shomron Settlement Board in the occupied Palestinian territory, as aguest of honor to address the EU Parliament.
To give floor to this terrorist at the EU Parliament is an unprecedented deed and comes in stark contradiction to the traditional position of the European Union and its institutions towards the Palestinian people, especially those related to settlements construction.
As the Ministry of Foreign Affairs deplores this action taken by the European Parliament, it strongly condemns the statements and declarations made by this terrorist which are considered a flagrant assault on the international legitimacy, its resolutions and the European dignity; it is also considered an intervention in the European affairs.
Such action contradicts the Palestinian, Arab and European mutual interests and does not serve them at all. The European Union, along with all its institutions, have stressed, on many occasions and through many official statements, its support for international legitimacy and the rights of the Palestinian people; foremost among them, its right to establish its independent state based on the 1967 borders.
The European Union plays a vital role within the Quartet in creating the right conditions to resume a meaningful peace process. It also has always been the first to condemn the continuous attempts to Judaize East Jerusalem and to expand settlements. In addition, the European Union has demanded that the Palestinian Authority is allowed to carry out projects in the so called Area “C”.
The racist remarks uttered by the Chairman of the Shomron Settlement Board, do not live up to minimal Human Rights nor the essence of European culture and values that support people’s right to self-determination.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hopes that this unprecedented invitation will not represent a new approach in dealing with the Palestine Question.
As soon as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs learnt about this visit, it called upon its friends within the European Union, The European Parliament and its institutions to condemn such a visit and called for an explanation regarding it.