Call for Support and immediate Action against the persecution of Political Activists in Palestine 48

Case: Mr. Ameer Makhoul, General Director of Ittijah- Union of Arab Community Based Associations and Head of the Popular Committee for the Defense of Political Freedoms and Member of IC WSF

We, as active members, representatives of Human Rights institutions,
NGOs, networks and Unions call for the immediate action and support of Mr.
Ameer Makhoul, General Director of Ittijah- Union of Arab Community Based Associations and Head of the Popular Committee for the Protection of
Political Freedoms after the issuing of an order by the Israeli
authorities to prevent him from leaving the country for a period of two
months and so denying him the right to travel as an established Human
right recognized in a range of international instruments.

This is not the first time in which Mr. Makhoul was harassed by the
Israeli authorities; he was called in 2009 for investigation by the
Israeli Security Agency (Shabak). Israel seizes every opportunity to take
action against the Palestinian leadership in Palestine 48 and still
escalates its policy of persecution against the role of active political
figures and leaders in an attempt to crush the popular movement defending
the Palestinian existence in their homelands.

Accordingly, we send a call to all of you believing in the Palestinian
Just cause and struggle for freedom and self determination.

Please do support the voice of the Palestinian leadership in Palestine 48
and take serious action against the policy of persecution of Activists and
political figures. Start with signing your name in support of Mr. Makhoul
and the call to hold Israel accountable for its practices under
International human rights law.

Name Organization Country

Rosevégue André UJFP France
Mendes France Mireille UJFP France
Gumpel Georges UJFP France
Marvy Gérald UJFP France
Reberg Evelyne UJFP France
Greilsamer Jean-Guy UJFP France
Georges Colette UJFP France
Levyne Daniel UJFP France
Meyer Jean-Claude UJFP France
Ventre Dominique UJFP France
Weil Françoise UJFP France
Miahle Claire UJFP France
Bkouche Rudolf UJFP France

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