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PCHR: Tzipi Livni given diplomatic immunity for UK visit

PCHR: Tzipi Livni given diplomatic immunity for UK visit

14 May 2014 Dear colleagues, Please, read this article prepared by Herriet Sherwood and published in the Guardian on May 13, 2014. The article is about the UK awarding ‘special mission’ status to Tzipi Livni, Israel’s justice minister, and thus a diplomatic immunity to protect her against prosecution ahead of a planned visit to the […]

Plus de 350 professeurs d’universités du monde entier boycottent une conférence internationale prévue en juin 2014 à l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem

Plus de 350 professeurs d’universités du monde entier boycottent une conférence internationale prévue en juin 2014 à l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem

The following open letter was issued on August 12 to oral historians and scholars planning to participate in the June 2014 International Conference on Oral History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The letter is signed by over 200 scholars and community oral historians and counting; and is endorsed by Academic and Cultural Boycott Campaigns, […]

Il y a quatre ans, l’opération Cast lead contre Gaza

Il y a quatre ans, l’opération Cast lead contre Gaza

المـــركـز الفلسطينـي لحقــوق الإنســان PALESTINIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS ______________________________________ Ref: 157/2012 Date: 27 December 2012 Time: 20:30 GMT 4 Years Since Operation Cast Lead Four years ago today, on 27th December 2008, Israeli Forces launched a large-scale offensive against the Gaza Strip, codenamed Operation Cast Lead. This 23-day long offensive was the most violent […]

Now is the time for a military embargo on Israel!

Now is the time for a military embargo on Israel!

 Now is the time for a military embargo on Israel! “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” –Nelson Mandela Horrified at the latest round of Israeli aggression against the 1.5 million Palestinians in the besieged and […]

Sur le front des médias: Gaza: “It was a night of horror”.

Sur le front des médias: Gaza: “It was a night of horror”.

Gaza existe, Gaza résiste! Dr. Mona El-Farra, Director of Gaza Projects, is a physician by training and a human rights and women’s rights activist by practice in the occupied Gaza Strip. She was born in Khan Younis, Gaza and has dedicated herself to developing community based programs that aim to improve health quality and link […]

“Nous accusons” “Gaza Huit” contre la désinformation médiatique

“Nous accusons” “Gaza Huit” contre la désinformation médiatique

Nous accusons: Mainstream media fails to report context and severity of Israeli atrocities against Gaza by Noam Chomsky and the ‘Gaza Eight’ on November 14, 2012 7 CNN screenshot from August, 2011. David Heap just sent us this statement from participants of a recent delegation to Gaza: While countries across Europe and North America commemorated […]

New Israeli Escalation against the Gaza Strip, 7 Palestinians, Including 3 Children, Killed and 52 Others, Including 6 Women and 12 Children, Wounded

New Israeli Escalation against the Gaza Strip, 7 Palestinians, Including 3 Children, Killed and 52 Others, Including 6 Women and 12 Children, Wounded

PCHR Palestinian Centre for Human Rights PRESS RELEASE Ref: 120/2012 Date: 11 November 2012 Time: 12:15 GMT New Israeli Escalation against the Gaza Strip, 7 Palestinians, Including 3 Children, Killed and 52 Others, Including 6 Women and 12 Children, Wounded Over the past 72 hours, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have escalated their aerial and […]

Unicef, complice du blocus de Gaza

Unicef, complice du blocus de Gaza

  Scandaleux : Après avoir détruit une partie de la bande de Gaza, des compagnies israéliennes gagnent un appel d’offres de l’UNICEF pour la construction d’une usine de dessalinisation et l’UNICEF se justifie en disant que c’est pour le bien des enfants de Gaza et que s’il n’y a pas les compétences chez les Palestiniens, […]

Nationale Kundgebung am 31. März 2012 in Bern

Nationale Kundgebung am 31. März 2012 in Bern

Jerusalem gehört Allen! Schluss mit Apartheid, Besatzung und Vertreibung. Gegen Rassismus! 14 Uhr Bundesplatz Globaler Marsch nach Jerusalem (GMJ) Geschätzte Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer der Rechte der Palästinenserinnen und Palästinenser Die grösste je gesehene gemeinsame Aktion von PalästinenserInnen und Menschen aus aller Welt ist angelaufen. Bereits hat eine Karawane aus Asien (Malayisa, Indoesien, Indien, Pakistan, Tadschikistan) […]

“Freedom Waves” une nouvelle flotille vogue vers Gaza

“Freedom Waves” une nouvelle flotille vogue vers Gaza

PCHR Palestinian Centre for Human Rights Press Release Ref: 112/2011 Date: 03 November 2011 Time: 11:10 GMT Closure of Gaza Must Be Lifted; PCHR Welcomes the “Freedom Waves” Flotilla The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) welcomes the “Freedom Waves” Flotilla that left Turkey heading to Gaza to be in solidarity with the Palestinian civilians […]

Israeli peace groups support the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla

Israeli peace groups support the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla

Statement of Support for the Gaza-Bound Freedom Flotilla July 4, 2011 We, Israeli organizations, Jews and Arabs, full-heartedly support Freedom Flotilla, aim of sailing to the Port of Gaza with the proclaimed goals of breaking through the sea and land  siege and blockade of Gaza, which is a manifestation of a continuing occupation by Israel. […]

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Ref: 107/2010 Date: 29 November 2010 Time: 12:00 GMT On occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, PCHR addresses the longstanding illegal occupation of the oPt by Israel and remind the international community of its responsibilities to ensure respect for international On 29 November, 1947, the UN General […]

NGOs gathered in Kampala Call for End to Impunity Crisis Following Israeli Attack on Aid Convoy

NGOs gathered in Kampala Call for End to Impunity Crisis Following Israeli Attack on Aid Convoy

We, the undersigned organisations gathered in Kampala at the International Criminal Court (ICC) Review Conference, are shocked by Israel’s killing and injury of civilians carrying humanitarian supplies to Gaza. We wish to express our sorrow regarding the loss of life and call on the international community to immediately take all appropriate measures in response to […]

L’armée israélienne attaque la flotille humanitaire pour Gaza et tue

L’armée israélienne attaque la flotille humanitaire pour Gaza et tue

“Il s’agit d’une provocation visant à délégitimer Israël” Danny Ayalon, vice-ministre des Affaires étrangères Et Israël n’ a pas manqué de se délégitimer… Assaut de commandos tirant à balles réelles pendant la nuit sur les passagers des bateaux. Au moins 16 morts selon les derniers chiffres (Al Jazeera). Les bateaux capturés et remorqués vers Haïfa, […]

Palestinian and Israeli Human Rights Groups Call for End to Israeli Military West Bank Deportation Policy

Palestinian and Israeli Human Rights Groups Call for End to Israeli Military West Bank Deportation Policy

We, the undersigned, express our opposition to Israel’s policy of unlawful transfer and deportation from the West Bank, which has escalated in the form of the Order regarding Prevention of Infiltration (Amendment No. 2) (No. 1650) (“Order 1650”). The order, effective April 13, 2010, defines anyone present in the West Bank as an “infiltrator”, unless […]

Israel to ethnically clean the West Bank of large numbers of Palestinians in one sweep

Israel to ethnically clean the West Bank of large numbers of Palestinians in one sweep

Dear Friends, I am sending Amira Hass’s report to you without comment. I just read it and am still in a state of shock. I know what Israeli leaders (military and so-called civil) are, and know their policies, but even I could not have imagined that Israel would do this! And to come out on […]

Deux civils palestiniens tués en Cisjordanie

Deux civils palestiniens tués en Cisjordanie

PCHR Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

PCHR Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

PCHR Palestinian Centre for Human Rights Ref: 13/2010 Date: 08 March 2010 Time: 08:00GMT On the 8th of March, Efforts Should be United to End Palestinian Women’s Suffering The 8th of March marks the International Women’s Day, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1977 to support women’s struggle for their rights that […]